Page 3 - Acadian Archives Ready Reference
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2) HISTORY: ACADIA AND ATLANTIC CANADA 2.1 Generalities and Historiography
2.1.1 “Après deux siècles, l’Acadie retrouve les siens”. Grenier, Jean-Claude. Geo Document. November 1994. P 130-142.
2.1.2 “Acadia: a land without boundaries”. Rayburn, Alan. Canadian Geographic. Aug/Sept 1990. p 78-79.
2.1.3 “Lancaster in Acadie and the Acadians in Lancaster”. Nourse, Henry S. The Granite Monthly A New Hampshire Magazine. July/August 1884, Vol VII, no 7 & 8. P 239-243.
2.1.4 “Histoire de Memramcook...” Gaudet, Donatien. Document de 4 pages.
2.1.5 “The Acadian Tragedy” by Francis Parkman, No. 1884
2.1.6 “The Origin of the Place names Acadia and Norumbega” by W.F. Ganong,
A.M., Ph.D., 1915.
2.1.7 “Law in a Colonial Society: The Nova Scotia Experience”
Dalhousie/Kerkeley Lectures on Legal history, Feb. 25, 26 and March 11, 12, 1983. 2.1.8 Biographical sketches of personages mentioned in the text “The forts of Chignecto, a
study of the eighteenth century conflict between France and Great Britain in Acadia”, by John Clarence Webster.
2.1.9 Extracts du Moniteur Acadien,1867 - 1914 from Guy Dubay
2.1.10 An email to Jerry Lagace from Nicholas Hawes on “Ecoupage / Ekoupahag / Apog / Aukpaque / Ocpaque....with other different spelling.
2.1.11 “Acadian Place Names: What they were named originally and what they are today” printed from the web today.htm
2.1.12 “Acadians - Discussion and Encyclopedia article”
2.1.13 “Intergovernmental cooperation, inland transportation and the Domestic Economy of mid-nineteenth century Eastern Canada” by Robert MacKinnon, 1997.
2.1.14 “The Acadians Info” volumes 1, 2, 3, newsletter from Nova Scotia Museum: settlement; trading; community life; framing; the home. Donated by Jean & Jack Jans, Sheila Jans.
2.1.15 “Chronologie acadienne de 1604 au 20e siecle” Claude Masse-Daigle. Donated by John R. Gagnon.
2.1.16 “The Acadian Odyssey” A reprint from articles by Jim Bradshaw in The Lafayette Daily Advertiser
2.1.17 “Le long parcours des Acadiens” by Pierre-Maurice Hébert Radio Interview by Sylvain Desjardins for Radio-Canada Aug. 7 1994
2.1.18 « Pembroke Passanger List Reconstructed » by Paul Delaney in Les Cahiers de la Société Historique acadienne vol 35, nos. 1&2 (Jan-Jan 2004)
2.1.19 « Pérégrinations et conquête du sol (1755-1836) : L’implantation acadienne sur la rive nord de la Baie-des-Chaleus) by Christian Blais of the University of Moncton. Acadiensis : Jornal of the history of the Atlantic region vol.35 no.1 Autumn 2005
2.1.20 « The Acadians : One Settlement » Nova Scotia Museum informationnel pamphlet
2.1.21 « Dig unearths ritzy side of Acadia in 1700s » Anthony Cooper. The Chonical Herald. June 20, 2005
2.1.22 Societe Promotion Grand-Pre. Grand Pre. DVD
2.1.23 Savoie, Ghislain. Histoire de la pomme de terre et autres tubercules connus dans l’ancienne Acadie. Société historique acadienne v. 42 no. 1, mars 2011. (patates, potatoes, patate douce ou sucrée, patate sauvage) + Claude Picard’s last historic painting before his death Temps heureux chez les Savoie et leurs voisins acadiens a Belleisle vers 1690 commmissioned by Jean Calude Savoie.

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