Page 12 - The BellTower - Spring 2016
P. 12

Students in the News
Students Join in Relief Efforts for Fire Victims
Shortly after a Fort Kent family lost their home and two cats to fire this past October, the following UMFK International Students Organization (ISO) members Glen Gaitor, Lory Guerrette, Nivetha Neminathan, Christine Alamba, Kimika Forbes, and Kimoya Samuels stepped up with several community members to help the family in their time of need. The group donated clothing items, which they brought to the Fort Kent Town Office. Fort Kent Town Clerk Angela Coulombe (’99) received four large bags of clothing from the students, which Coulombe delivered to the family.
Students Benefit Children’s Hospital
UMFK students in the Humanities 102 class were extra busy during the fall semester as they worked on a service learning project to benefit the children at the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital.
The project began as an orientation activity for the 25 first-year students in the class. Students from the class made approximately 150 headbands for the children. During orientation, students participated in a bottle drive to help purchase toys, such as stickers, activity sets, Hackee Sacks, and bendable figurines. The funds also helped cover part of the shipping costs. Class instructor Loni Nadeau (´11) came up with the idea of the project.
“Each year we focus on a different service learning project, and this year the focus was the Barbara Bush Children’s Hospital,” said Nadeau.
“My sister-in-law, Stephanie Nadeau (‘10), and I run a small side business, Babies, Beads, & Bands,” said Nadeau.
The co-owners of the small business provided half the funds to cover the cost of the supplies to help this worthy cause, and the Student Affairs Orientation budget covered the other half. The project received additional support from UMFK Student Nurses Organization (SNO) club.
Near the end of the project, the class and members of UMFK SNO crafted and signed cards for the children and prepared the boxes for mailing.
Part of the class requirement for humanities courses is a service learning project.
10 | The Bell Tower

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