Page 24 - The Bell Tower - Summer/Fall 2015
P. 24

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Blake Library featured the art, “Eclectic Collection of UMFK,” by University faculty and staff during the month of March.
The exhibit included a mix of photographs, paintings, writings, three-dimensional work, textile work, and more that UMFK fac- ulty and staff created. The exhibit pulled together a collection of work by Sophia Birden, Scott Brickman, Geraldine Cannon Becker, Jeffry Dubis, Debra Durkin, Dave Hobbins, Doris Metz, John
Metz, Steve Michaud, Terry Murphy, Brenda Pelletier, Therese Provenzano, Danielle Thibeault, Scott Voisine, and Joe Zubrick.
The exhibitors ranged from those who have studied the arts, learned from artists in their own right, to those who taught them- selves by simply paying attention to the world around them, and learning the various techniques of their chosen medium.
Gallery curator and exhibitor Sofia Birden said, “Every person’s style is different, and every person comes from a different back- ground, but we are all connected by the personal day to day inter- actions we have in our work-life, and in some cases our personal life.”
Nature inspired some of the exhibitors to use landscapes, flowers, and creatures to express their inner artist. Others looked to history and the work of past craftspeople and artists to develop their artistic style. While some looked internally, juxtaposing their inner self with outer influences as a source of inspiration.
From Top, Clockwise: Danielle Thibeault, Debra Durkin, Doris Metz, Geraldine Cannon Becker.
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