Page 26 - The Bell Tower - Summer/Fall 2015
P. 26

Student Attends Leadership Program
The Maine NEW (National Education for Women) Leadership Summer Institute chose UMFK nursing student Mary Trudeau to attend the undergraduate annual student leadership training pro- gram on the University of Maine campus.
“I was very pleased to receive the news of my acceptance into the program. My understanding is that only 28 students are accepted each year even if there are hun- dreds who applied. I am lucky and honored to be one of those who were selected. Many thanks to UMFK TRIO Program
Director Lena Michaud for encouraging me to go for it,” said Trudeau.
The leadership training event was an intensive six-day residential program which included presentations from politically active women throughout Maine, a visit with women legislators and policy advo- cates at the Maine State House, and work- shops to actively develop leadership skills, such as public speaking, advocacy, and net- working.
Trudeau added, “I enjoyed watching the Legislative session at the state house, and
I gained so much information and experi- ence from participating in the daily work- shops. I would say that the most important thing that I gained was the confidence and empowerment to be involved in public affairs and that one does not have to be a politician to participate in policy making. Now that I have this experience, I am bet- ter prepared for issues that I am passionate about.”
TRIO chose Trudeau as Student of the Year this past spring. Officials of the federal program present the award
to an individual who has shown exemplary participation in the Student Support Services program on-and off-campus involvement, has
shown skills in leadership, teambuilding, communication, as well as persistence towards their academic goals and success as a student.
Trudeau volunteers at the Fort Kent CHIPPY Center, the early learning and pre- school program, as well as the American Red Cross. She is an active member of
the Student Nurses Organization (SNO). Trudeau wants to become a nurse educator and an advocate for women’s rights, edu- cational parity, and opportunity by working through the community and political arena.
Maine NEW Leadership, developed to address the under-representation of women in politics, is designed to educate and empower young leaders by giving them the skills necessary to become the next generation of effective civic and political leaders.
24 | The Bell Tower
Community Service by UMFK SNO Memberse
In honor of Earth Day, thirteen University
of Maine at Fort Kent Student Nurses Organization members picked up trash while “walking the mills” in Fort Kent. “Walking the Mills” is a local phrase that students
and Fort Kent residents use when refer-
ring to a popular route for walkers, joggers, and cyclists. The following UMFK nursing students participated in this community ser- vice: (l to r) Mary Trudeau, Emily Gardner, Sterlin Joudain, Mequeline Smith, Brittany Rice, Mathew Merchant, Jiaying Lu, Julia Destefano, Magela Laurore, Arrabine Dunn, Frantzceau Germain, Jennie Charette, and Kate Dorsey.

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