Page 17 - The BellTower - Spring 2016
P. 17

Maine native Paul Cyr exhibited 65 of his prize-winning photographs at the UMFK Acadian Archives/Archives acadi- ennes this past year. Photographer Cyr spends time every day looking for new photographic opportunities. He takes
99 percent of his photographs in north- ern Maine, most within ten miles of his Presque Isle home. Late summer aerials, which hold a prominent location at the archives, are some of his favorite scenes to shoot. More than twenty County businesses use Paul’s prize-winning photographs for websites, Facebook pages, covers of reports, tourist guides, to mention a few.
The UMFK Blake Library Gallery featured “Drawing Concepts”, the work of students in Therese L. Provenzano’s Art 351 Drawing class in January. The exhibit represented eleven UMFK students’ artwork which explored charcoal, graphite, India ink, and mixed media. The main course objective is for students to investigate drawing as form and as a means of expressing ideas. The students represented in the exhibition are: Linda Ayotte, Ellen Borges, Kristen Champagne, Michelle Delgadillo, Paige Gillespie, Kristopher Michaud, Mark Olson, Desi Peddle, Katie Pinette, Shelagh Van Anglen, and Gigi Witmer.

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